Sunday 24 April 2016

What is to come?

A big hey to everyone using the world wide web!

I have been told by a several people to start blogging, and I reject the plea on the ground that I have nothing important to share. But, I realize that in the world of blogging, you sometimes have to take it easy; plan less and execute more. So, I am not going to do a lots of planning and thinking and coming up with nothing to share. I will just blog!

Although I have planned a few categories that my blog would have. These are.

  • Straight from the heart posts: This is going to come. You know I am a poet. I have a lots to share about a lots of stuff. I would share an unaltered version of what comes to my mind and heart. Honesty guaranteed.

  • Picture poetry: I have friends who are photographers and I have friends who draw, sketch or paint. A good picture speaks a thousand words. And I like adding a few words of myself to them. This experimentation can provide results I myself can't imagine. Visual beauty guaranteed. 

  • Announcements and Updates: I would use this blog to make announcements and sharing updates about my writing projects. My first book, Aman Arora Anthology Volume 1 just released this April. Holding the book was like holding my baby. The only difference is that it took several years to come since ihe point of conception. 

  • Book Recommendations: I am not a hardcore reader, but I have read a few quality books in my life. i would tell you how I liked them.

  • Movie Recommendations: Not a big movie maniac either, but I have seen a few good English and Hindi language films. i can recommend a few.

  • Me and Teaching: I have chosen teaching as a profession. It is a noble field and there is so much to learn about teaching. I will share about my experience as a B. Ed student, teacher-training and actual teaching experiences. 

  • Sketches: I draw sketches occasionally. It is the only artistic thing I do. I am not great at it, but I do it anyway. Visual beauty of this blog might suffer perhaps. 

  •  My random lists: That is what bloggers do primary, right? I am going to share a few lists about things of my interest. 

  • Lot more stuff I am not aware about right now: Let things flow, baby. 

You can tell me what would you like to read. Stay tuned. 


  1. Although Planning doesn't work everytime:)But sometimes, one needs dn't get an immediate result after planning..:)But the results come indeed at the right time..:)

    1. Agree we spend so much time in planning it that we lose initiative and motivation to execute the plan.

    2. Sometimes, planning becomes necessary, otherwise, UPSC students would not have melt their fat right from now for their August's civil services exam..One of my schoolmate Deepali told me..:)she is suffering the same, for their August's exam...shocked to know that:)

    3. I made my point only for blogging. Of course planning is necessary for most things for good results.
