Saturday 7 May 2016

How to write exams in B Ed

The golden rule to remember while writing an answer in B ed is that you are not writing an answer,  you are selling a product.  Your knowledge about the subject matter need not be perfect,  but the way you  present it is is the KEY.

So here are few suggestions that can help you score good marks.

1. Beginning, middle and conclusion

No matter what is asked in the question, write an introduction explaining each word in the question, even if you end up explaining the various parts of speech used to form the question, so be it. Nobody is reading.
In the middle, you are supposed to answer the specific thing asked like the merits of that thing, but if you don't know that, don't worry and write its  nature,  characteristics, demerits, implications, related theories, unrelated theories, just write it under the heading 'Merits'
At the end do write the 'conclusion' : Here you repeat all the shit that you wrote above, but in a nutshell.

2. Calligraphy and designs:

It is how beautiful the dot in you 'i' looks like that would determine your scores. Seriously it is like a candle, as bright it glows as does your future. So don't stop at hearts and bindis, make that 'I' and all the alphabet look beautiful. It is all that matters.

3. Write everything in points:

I decided to write this blog in an essay form, but I follow what I preach.  It is the number of points that effect marks. It is the ability to break one point into two or three that can get you afar. Just like in cricket a batsman is advised to convert ones into twos, twos into threes. Make as many points as you can. At one point you can repeat the points from the top and nobody will notice. Remember nobody is reading.
Suggestion for more points:  Look at everything from all aspects:  physical, emotional  psychological . sexual, social, economic, political, cultural, and even in combinations like , socio-cultural, physio-emotional, politico-sexual and shit like that.

4. Use the golden words in B Ed

There are some key words that fit into almost every answer. There is no odd and even rule in their usage. So if you are answering a question that you have no damn clue about, use following glossary words in simple sentences:

A: all round development of the child,
B: behaviour
C: child centred education, creativity, counselling
D: democracy, development, discipline
E: education for all, emotions
F: flexibility in curriculum
G: generalisation, growth, guidance
H: health, heuristic method.
I: inclusive education, information, intelligence, individual difference
J: Jean Piaget (this dude is like Mahesh Butt of education, has something to say about everything)
K: knowledge
L: learning by doing
M: motivation, maturity
N: national feeling
P: perception, personality
Q: questioning
R: role of teacher
S: stimulus, self discipline
T: thinking, time consuming (used as demerit for many stuff)
U: understanding the child
V: vocational education

Okay ,  remaining letters are in next semester.

5. Conclusion:

In B Ed, presentation is the key. You write beginning, middle and conclusion in good hand writing, point wise using the golden words (that's how you conclude), but if that is not enough,

Use crayons, water, fabric, acrylic colours to write answers 
Make bold margins and draw flowers and leaves
Submit your answer sheet in a wooden box, wrapped in shiny wrapping paper.
Tie it with a ribbon.
Put some scent on it.
Attach a card saying, 'Fuck you Indian education system