Thursday 9 June 2016

#MorningWalk 02

I don't think one can plan a murder in a park, not in the morning anyway. It is too positive a place for that. Not just the chirruping birds and fresh air, but also the people around. Not sure if it is the case everywhere, but in the park I visit, I see a lot of elderly people. They are elderly, but not aged and some of them would have more stamina than me. It is a notion that the present generation is not as fit and healthy, and I truly believe in it. We have grown on machines and don't know the value of exercise and physical activities.
There is a group of people doing laughter yoga. I don't know the exact health benefits of it, but whenever I go walk around that group, I smile. There is a nice sensation in my chest. Laughter and smiles would forever remain the world's most desirable infections. There is a group doing a normal yoga as well. Occasionally I overhear a valuable health suggestion from them. They often chant a Gayatri Mantra or any other hindu hymm, which is always good to hear in the mornings. Thr familiar walkers also greet each other pleasantly, often with a 'Ram Ram' or 'Sat sri akal' or such greetings.  A few clap while walking, an action performed for better blood circulation. The sound is quite musical.
At another side of the park, children and young men play cricket or football, some of them come to the park with their whole family. Precious thing that  parents and grandparents give to their children; a healthy habit and a way of life.
A morning walk is like a 'difficult task we choose to accomplish. It teaches us that it is important to keep moving. One accesses his pace and does not mind being overtaken or boasts of overtaking others. That's how perhaps it is different from the outside world, where one is always and since forever competing. Here the challenge is only to improve on yourself. Wish we could take this practice into our actual lives,  just focus on our progress at all times. 

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