Monday 30 January 2017

Love Shorts #30

Every time we part, I feel like a child whose favourite toy has been taken away from him. One such occasion might be our last meeting.
Even though I look at her longer than I should at times, it can't provide for the void her permanent absence would leave in my life.
Being practical, I tell myself not to think of what will happen eventually and to live this moment which is full of love, hope and possibility.
Life is a perpetual tryst to find true love, and the only way to succeed is giving back love.

Sunday 29 January 2017

Love Shorts #29

Sometimes the only reason we do not get something is that we do not ask for it. Be it ketchup in a fancy restaurant or someon's love.
It takes courage and confidence to  express your feelings, but more than anything else, it takes conviction. You have to be convinced about your feelings before telling it to her.
''It must be the hardest thing for a guy to propose to a girl.'' She asks, ''That fear of getting rejected! And girls make wrong choices all the times.''
''The hardest part,'' I tell her ''is always ti figure out if she is the one.''

Saturday 28 January 2017

Love Shorts #28

Misunderstandings are born not necessarily out of lack of understanding. When two persons are trying too hard not to hurt each other, they end up being too conscious, and hurt each other. Remember as a child you broke the china glass crockery when your mother asked you to 'handle it very very carefully?'
I thought it would be bad to argue with her while she expected me to argue back.
The confusion lead to words being said, feelings being hurt.
''It is just a small matter.'' I tell her. ''I want to come out it. I wish I knew how.''
When you don't know how to make the situation good, don't make it worse by saying bad words in anger. Let time be the healer.

Friday 27 January 2017

Love Shorts #27

She has seen me disappearing into nothingness, surrendering the best of company, including hers. 
I am a craftsperson looking for words just like a PokemomGo enthusiast is finding a Pokemon in nearby radar.
I cannot resist the temptation to catch that Pokemon and sometimes I make my own sacrifices for that, cutting away from my favourite people .
''An artist lives an aloof life.,'' she observes.
I smile to her. ''An artist lives alone not out of loneliness but to pursue his art. Just what the job demands..''
''Why pursue such a job?.''
''It is the restlessness to get it out, an irresrible urge. Passion!''
''Can you feel the same passion about anything else or anyone else?''
I had like to believe she was referring to herself.
''Yes,'' I answer ''but one passion at a time.''

Thursday 26 January 2017

Love Shorts #26

She often asks me to tell her her shortcomings. I always tell her that it was her asking this question.
What a shame that the person to whom I want to say the nicest things asks me to say otherwise.
She has shortcomings. Some of her shortcomings made me feel  affectionate towards her. She has a lack of belief in her abikities. When she errs, she hurts herself. She never has an intention of inflicting her misery on others. She takes up venom from their life instead.
Her shortcomings are that she is too modest and a giver.
I end up complimenting her while pointing out her shortcomings.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Love Shorts #25

No matter how messed up she is in her life, I like her assertiveness while shopping. What a rare quality for a woman to possess. She knows what she wants and does not waste time on what she does not.
''Let's move (out of this shop).'' is the most romantic thing a woman can say while shopping.
She asks for my advice  and then does otherwise. I do not want it to be any other way.
We have an understanding.
To me, she looks good in everything, and I look good in what she suggests.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Love Shorts #24

I had my entire self wandering through the universe trying to pluck up a few delightful words and arrange them in my bouquet. The stars were just not right to express my feelings into words.
She overlooked my restless condition and dared to ask me, ''Where is your love short for today?''
For someone already in dearth of words, I responded with a mere shrug .
She transformed into a motivational speaker.
''Well, don't stress out.  Remember the KiSS rule. just write what you are feeling right now.''
I took a paper and wrote the following sentence.
''I think I am falling in love.''
There was a pause.
''Thatt's nice.'' She eventually said. ''But.'..'
''Where is the metaphor?''
''Damn you.''

Monday 23 January 2017

Love Shorts #23

She texted me to switch to a particular FM channel. ''Isnt it a nice song?''
''It is.'' I texted back, happy to be on the same frequency as her.
What a binding quality technology has. Two persons who wish to be together, can be together. If not in flesh, then atleast virtually. They can see each other, listen to each other, have them around in some form.
But, technology can only be an aid. It can not mitigate the absence of that person.
Those five minutes of seeing her in person cannot be compared to communicating to her throughr different tools of technology.

Sunday 22 January 2017

Love Shorts #22

Doing small things for each other is not a small thing.
That small gesture of being ready with water when you know the other person just had something spicy.
That small gesture of messaging to ensure that the other person has reached hone.
That small gesture of holding hands to make the other feel home.
That small gesture of telling a stupid joke to cheer the other person up.
That small gesture of listening to stupid innocent stories when the other person feels to talk.
When some day, she asks me what can I do for her, I will say, ''I will do all the small things that will become a part of your life.''

Saturday 21 January 2017

Love Shorts #21

''You have a way with words. You can make a simple sentence interesting just by the way you say it.''
''Maybe.''' I reflected on her compliment.
''Shut up, you idiot.'' She literally swore me for not accepting her compliment graciously.
''I can do it with only few situations and fee people.'' My eyes pointed towards her.
'You should not give me credit for your talent.'' she protested.
I paused to frame an answer in my mind. ''A writer cannot brag about his work for he knows not for how long would he keep producing it, but he can brag about his muse for constantly inspiring him.''

Friday 20 January 2017

Love Shorts #20

''Why do you ask me about what has happened in my past? Shouldn't we all be focussing on the present movement?''' She asked me.
''Our past is a source to our present. Like a doctor wants to know the past symptoms to diagnose the disease. Like we know India has been under colonial rule to know it's political scenario.  Like we know an apple tree will give apples and mango tree will give mangoes.''
''But I want to forget the bitter things about my past.''
''Yiou cannot forget them. You have to let it not affect you. Remember it from while to while and see how less it affects you each time.''
She shared her disgusting experience.

Thursday 19 January 2017

Love Shorts #19

it turned out to be a spiritual experience when I sat down to sketch her face because.I gained more confidence in the creator's ability; especially His aesthetic prowess. I felt besmalled by His artistry for giving her such precise and fine structure, those majestic curves and pleasing composition.
I was sulking from inside,  feeling guilty , as if I was ruining a perfectly done masterpiece.
''Why do you think that way? It's enough that you tried to sketch me.'' She could not understand my guilt.
''It isn't enough,'' I protested, ''This was my chance to show you how beautiful you look in my eyes.''

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Love Shorts #18

Our voices are such a giveaway to our personality and mood. We can try to sound normal when in a bad mood, but our voices reveal what we conceal.
''Tell me what happened.'' and ''Nothing.'' follow before we submit in to confess what is bothering us.
I have heard her amiable voice, her teasing voice, her child-like story-telling voice and I have heard her moaning voice, her cranky voice and her choking-for-words voice.
''Which voice do you prefer the least?'' She asks.
''When I am talking to your silence.''

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Love Shorts #17

Beauty is subjective, but everyone unanimously accepts that it is not artificial. Make up, accessories and clothing can do little good if you are not healthy and happy from inside.
''I am not that beautiful,'' she says and it is the most beautiful aspect of her.
She may not comply to all the universally acceoted parameters of beauty, but I know that she is kind, honest, good-spirited and loving,  Hence ''beautiful'' is a word zi would always associate with her.

Monday 16 January 2017

Love Shorts #16

''Sometimes I do not get any sleep despite lying on my bed for the whole night. It is like I am reading ten murder mysteries at once, not knowing the murderer in any of them.'' I told her my situation.
''Thatt's horrible. What do you do then?'' She asked in her concerned voice.
''I think of writing a blog post  suggesting Top 100 ways of getting sound sleep.''
''Why can't you be serious about anything?'' she snapped, ''What are you doing to cure your problem?''
''I am waiting for someone to rock my cradle and sing me a lullaby.''

Sunday 15 January 2017

Love Shorts #15

I see the migratory birds flying back to their native towns. I see the mprints of our feet being washed away. The daylight is fading. It's time to depart.
''Why does nothing stay forever?'' I ask her.
''I am sure it gets recorded in the archive of universe somewhere. We can always refer to it in our memories. It doesn't stay the same way as if it does we would never have new memories.''  She explained.
I smiled shortly, but still wondered if she was going to stay by my side for the new memories.
As if reading my thoughts, she held my hand softly.
We held hands and watched the sunset.

Saturday 14 January 2017

Love Shorts #14

What does it mean to meet her after a long while?
In her absence, I used to look at her photos in my mobile phone and touch her face with my fingers to feel her presence.
I used to write short messages to her on the foggy bathroom mirror.
I used to think of great lines I would say to her when we meet.
Presently, she says with a smile,  ''Finally we meet',' and I spontaneously express my heartfelt emotions to her and say, ''Yes, hi.''
''You just don't understand  communication,'' I tell myself.

Friday 13 January 2017

Love Shorts #13

Arguments are based on logic, yet are most insensible  Facts and other's beliefs are sidelined, and the ego to win an argument comes into foreplay.
Negative emotions like anger and anxiety take over.
When we have an argument, we know that it is not the best thing we involve ourselves in. Sadly, willingness to win an argument is a human tendency tough to resist.
We can be relentless, say harsh things and express our anger.. Shortly, we are at our worst.
Arguments are good that way.. We get to know how bad is our worst. They are an examination to test how much we value each other.  Redemption process is sweet

Thursday 12 January 2017

Love Shorts #12

I scan through my notifications for her Whatsapp message every morning ,and if it is not there, I look at her ''last seen.'
I perform the ritual several times during the day. I often wait a long time for her message, but if you would ask her, she will say that I take a long time in replying. She can disappear for hours, sleep without saying 'goodnight' or leave promptly in the middle of chat, but if I take a few more seconds in replying, I am disqualified.
''Till when are we going to play the game by your rules?'' I ask her.
''Till you like it.'' She replies with a tongue out emoticon

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Love Shorts #11

I realise that we have words and expressions for everything but beauty. Splendid, mesmerising, spell bound, out of this world and perhaps my least favourite, speechless. These adjectives are used so often that they have lost their meaning.
I do not think any linguistic has been successful in coining the words to illustrate the beauty of her eyes when she smiles.
Neither can a writer describe it, nor can a painter paint it and nor can an actor imitate it.
We can never praise true beauty. We can only cherish the smile that it brings on our face.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Love Shorts #10

She loves making different hairstyles. I love messing with them.
She ties them in different ways. I love to unknot them.
The only thing more beautiful than a girl's face is a girl's face with hair scattered over it.
''I love loose hair,'' I tell her. ''Why  do girls have them tied up most of the time?''
''Thatt's the only way to manage them. They go in all directions otherwise,.' She explained.
''Thatt's the way they should be. Wandering like a spirit.' I argued coherently.
''Even the spirit has to be disciplined to travel in the right path..  'She won the argument.

I feel so good about reaching Day10. Thank you for all your wonderful support.

Monday 9 January 2017

Love Shorts #9

Sometimes I imitate her way of talking. Sometimes she mocks my expressions. Sometimes we say the same thing at the same time. Sometimes we do not let each other speak. 
We laugh at these situations. We have plenty of personal jokes to laugh at.
''I love laughing with you,'' I tell her. ''My idea of great music is the fusion of our laughter.''
''Nice thought,'' she gives me a rare compliment. ''And what is your idea of noise?''
''Only one of us laughing at our personal jokes.''

Sunday 8 January 2017

Love Shorts #8

When Earth is too hot to bear the heat, the rains come eventually.
When everything is dying of cold  in winter, the spring comes eventually.
We are like nature which needs no alarm to carry forward a remedial activity. We apologise almost instantly or before the next episode of our conversation.
I sounded like a PR for nature's managerial skills.
She cuts me short by reminding me about earthquakes, cyclones and floods. ''Nature never did betray the heart that loved her, '' she quoted Wordsworth, and then added, ''but neither did it spare the one that messed with her.''
The conversation was over.


Friday 6 January 2017

Love Shorts #7

She can listen to me moaning over my troubles again and again. She can be a deserted valley echoing back my pain.
She  rather chooses not to let me talk about them. She takes me on another lane of conversation, a far off land from the land of my  troubles. We converse there in quiet whispers.
Perhaps some problems in our lives are not meant to be resolved. They are like monsters that suck their nutrition from our mention of them.
Our quiet whispers quiten the monster.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Love Shorts #6

She tell me long tales of her everyday encounters. She describes the plot,  situation and characters with a surgeon-like precision, going back and forth in time. She provide all details, her insights, make impressions and suggest alternatives. Probably the actual events occur in a shorter passage of time . I am not to interrupt her for otherwise she will forget her narrative. All my comments are to wait for an unforseen time when the narrative ends.
''If I were so adept  at narrating details I would have been a prolific novelist.,'' I remark on her proficiency. ''How do you manage that?''
''Just as you manage to be a gracious listener..'' She answers

Love Shorts #5

it was not a very cheerful day,  or if it was, the cheers didn't reach me, sitting at the far end of the social group. She noticed my despair perhaps and let me hold her hand, without a word or for anybody to see. I held it for the soothing comfort at first, then drawing patterns on her palm from  the tip of my index finger..
''What were you doodling?'' she asked me later. ''I felt some were impressions of English alphabet.''
''They were all the compliments I could not say to your face.''
I could sense she regretted not paying attention.


Wednesday 4 January 2017

Love Shorts #1-4

This January I plan to write about a 100 word semi complete love story. This is my submission for day 4, followed by the previous 3 days. Stay tuned for more.
The wet leaves tell me that the night was foggy. My wet cheeks tell me that she was here.  For all our conflicts she dug a graveyard, and tilted its mud with hand and love for fresh flowers to grow. Each morning is a spring with her. ''How do you forget and forgive so easily,'' I text her. ''I neither forgive nor forget. I am saving it all for your doom's day.'' She texts back with a wink emoticon.
The spring has been crashed by a storm.
She sits at the window for long hours longing for her moon The night is chilly and she is cold. She fears not its coldness; she has become one with the night. She is determined to stay awake for the moment when the sky breaks down and sends her moon to her.
I watch her sitting at the window for  long hours longing for her moon. I pray either she attains her moon or I attain mine.

At times her laughter chokes her words. At times, she finishes her sentence in a hurry to moan. At times, she innocently teases me with her mocks. At times she keeps on talking without a pause. At times, she speaks every word with an effort, and at a pitch cube root of her normal day voice. I see all these coming as I follow her eyes. And yet, even when I know that she is down, I keep asking her'How are you?'' For I hear that most people answer falsely to this question. ''I am fine, '' she says. And I hope it turns out that way.

She greets me with her tender feather touch as fresh cream floating on milk and then begins the theatre in her eyes, where I see multiple scenes at once. Not sparing me time for a knee jerk , she beckons me with the most encharming darkness as she covers my face with the clouds of her hair.  Ending the exhibition with her most beautiful smile, she asks, ''You call yourself a poet and cannot write something on my beauty?''
I sink in her air and smile, ''I am not a poet if I write on that aspect of your beauty, which is for all to see.''
I would love your feedback on these pieces and if you have any sub theme for my next piece, I would try to write on it.
Thanks for the read.