Friday 10 April 2020

Business of Art - NaPoWriMo Day 10

The business of art 

The reach, the likes,
The number of followers,
Whom I know,
Who knows me?
Everyone's working on making their brand 
True art?
I don't know.

Those who have reached the peak,
Will reiterate,
'' True talent always finds its way. '' 
Well, they can say. 
The real secret to success is not revealed, 
Perhaps not known. 

Art isn't for those, 
Who expect to be rewarded, 
It's for those who want to be enriched. 
It's a pool of endless possibilities, 
Ever expanding like the universe.
Form, no matter how lucrative, 
Can't compensate for the meaning, 
Hormones can't compensate for heart. 
Packaging can't compensate for what's inside. 
To stress about such trivial matters, 
Is an invitation to misery. 
Pursue the business of art minus the profit motive. 

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