Monday 13 April 2020

Sentiments - NaPoWriMo Day 13


Intellect can take you to great heights,
Sentiments can take you further:
In all extremities, 
To the zenith of humanity, 
If there is one:
To the nadir of humanity, 
Which I am sure there is. 

It is man's sentiment that keeps the world going:
All the inventions to serve other men, 
To work hard to provide for the family, 
To perform selfless acts of charity,
To shed tears at the pain of others:
Sentiments make man a man. 

Those who have been in power, 
Have always belittled our Intellect, 
Attacked our ability to reflect. 
They have manoeuvred our minds, 
Influenced our core beliefs, 
Instigated our passion, 
For their unholy cause 

Human sentiments have been used to pit man against man, 
In acts of terror, riots, wars. holocausts. 
Our sentiments are no longer natural:
They are fabricated in political labs.
Our humanity is humbled, 
In the tremor of our war cry. 

In the world that stands on the pedestal of sentiments, 
Never let go the rein of Intellect. 
Sentiments are a brutal blind force, 
That need the aid of Intellect, 
To see manifest themselves, 
In the right direction. 

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